Applied Behavior Analysis for Kids with Autism
Call Now (917) 558-7661
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Our team of talented BCBA/LBAs (Licensed and Board Certified Behavior Analysts) provide therapy that focuses on driving positive outcomes for children diagnosed with autism spectrum. The goal is to motivate and foster new skills and lessen behaviors that cause harm or interfere with learning.
Why choose Rebecca's ABA Play?
While school-based programs have traditionally formed the cornerstones of autism therapy and treatment. We at Rebecca’s ABA Play have created an environment that’s focuses on learning and development through fun and play, because we want kids to experience being kids.

Child-Centered Direct Care
ABA therapy at Rebecca’s ABA play uses innovative tools and resources to enable each child to receive care that truly customized for their needs. We start with your child, as they are, and work together toward where they can grow.
Parent Training
ABA parent training is an important piece of any treatment plan when working with children. We recognize that family members with ASD children can feel confused and helpless. That is why we feel that training for parents with continuous collaboration is important to a successful ABA therapeutic program.

What to Expect When Enrolling Your Child with Rebecca's ABA Play
Step 1 - Contact Us and Request an Intake
Step 2 - Insurance Eligibility
Step 3 - Get a Personal Assessment
Step 4 - Work with a BCBA and BT
Step 5 - Coordinate care and Ongoing Support